
Texas tops the list of greatest butterfly diversity in the United States, with over 400 species recorded. The Austin area alone is home to 170 species of butterflies, and over 300 species of moths.

Austin is also home to the Austin Butterfly Forum, a non-profit organization formed in 1993 to enrich peoples lives through butterfly conservation and public pollinator awareness. We're dedicated to increasing positive interactions with human beings of all ages and butterflies, moths, and other pollinators.

ABF organizes field trips, conducts butterfly counts, promotes native gardening, preforms conservation activities, partners with other non profits and community groups, and meets monthly for fun and educational presentations (currently via Zoom).

Amoung our founders and officers are some of the most credentialed entomologists in the country, and many of our members are also crazy about dragonflies, damselflies, bees, beetles, spiders and other arthopods, in addtion to lepidoptera; our meetings often cover those subjects as well.

Most of our events are open to the public and funded by membership fees. Our Monthly meetings go on via Zoom.

If you love butterflies, moths, and other pollinators, join us and learn!

2024 Officers - Austin Butterfly Forum

Erin Guerra - President (
Mike Quinn - Vice President (
Linda Avitt - Membership (
Lois Schubert - Treasurer (
Erin Guerra - Publicity facebook (
Brian Abel - Publicity ABF website(

Many of our normal events are open to the public, but you may want to become a member of the Austin Butterfly Forum to help support us and our events. Annual membership is $20 per individual or $25 per household, payable during meetings to Lois Schubert, ABF Treasurer.

come join us and learn